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Common Questions

If the answer to your question is not listed below you may use the contact form to submit a query

Where do you fund?
The Foundation’s funds must only be used for the benefit of people who live, work or study in the London Boroughs of Camden, Islington and the City of London.  

Do you fund individuals?
We do not give grants directly to individual applicants.  We have a bursary scheme for those aged 16-18 who attend educational institutions in the Area of Benefit; these are administered by each institution and any queries should be directed to them. For information about grants for students at City University please contact the respective student centre. For information about our funded places at Christ’s Hospital, please contact Christ's Hospital directly.

Who can apply?
We are not currently open for applications and have set our funding strategy in-house. However, if you wish to make us aware of projects that meet our objectives, you may send an enquiry to We typically fund schools directly, though we may also fund charities and other organisations who operate in the area and meet our objectives. 

Where does your money come from?
Our Foundation started with a gift in the will of Richard Reeve, a London silk merchant who died in 1702. Grants are paid from the money we earn from our investments in London property and the stock market. You can find out more in our Annual Report and Accounts.

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